One sentence BIG IDEA:
Marketing should play a bigger role in guiding the strategy of a business.
Why is this relevant to marketers?
Below is a traditional organizational structure. Marketing is often on the same level as multiple other departments, but should marketing play a bigger role in driving the strategy of a business? I believe the answer is YES.

When you break a business down to its foundational elements, there are generally two functional areas of business: 1) Make a great product / service 2) Tell people about it.

What role should marketing play? Marketing is in a prime position to play a bigger role in influencing the strategy of a business. As marketers, we understand the market in which a business operates. We also have a deep understanding of customer needs. Marketers often need to gain more insight and influence in other areas of the business, including operations, customer service, research and development (R&D), finance, and legal issues. By understanding multiple other areas of a business, marketers are able to:
Offer suggestions regarding how a business can improve its product or service.
Develop new ideas to bring to market to meet the needs of customers.
Highlight relevant benefits to customers that might not be known otherwise.

Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Relevant Example:
SowGrow PR suggested that a client develop a service to offer a new way to finance a product that has never been done in the client's market before.
Challenge for Marketers:
Schedule meetings with leaders from other areas within a business to better understand how the business operates and to gain influence with multiple departments.
Relevant hashtags:
#marketing #BusinessStrategy #SGMCtip