I am going to share with you three words that editors love to see in a media pitch. Ready for them?
Why do editors love these words? Here’s why.
Most media outlets prefer unpublished content. Editors don’t always want your recycled blog post or content that other media outlets have already published. They want unique content. By telling an editor that a submission is unpublished, you are letting the editor know that the content is unique and written just for their publication.
Just because a piece of content is unpublished, it doesn’t guarantee that it is also exclusive. Someone can submit an “unpublished” article and then later submit it elsewhere to another publication. In the media world, the term “exclusive” means that no one else can publish the content or that a publication has the exclusive first right to publish the content before anyone else. Editors, especially trade publication editors, often favor content that remains exclusive to their publication, meaning you agree to not publish it anywhere else at any point in the future. Editors also appreciate having the scoop on a story, and being able to publish something first, even if they know it might be covered by other media outlets after they publish it.
What editors usually want is educational, informational content. What they often get pitched is content that is thinly veiled ads promoting a specific product or service. By letting an editor know that the piece you are submitting is “vendor-neutral,” they know you are not trying to hawk your product or service.
So what does this look like in a pitch?
Below is an actual pitch I sent to an editor that led to my client being asked to contribute a monthly column in a major trade publication. Emphasis added.

Challenge for Marketers:
Use these three words (unpublished, exclusive, and vendor-neutral) in a pitch to an editor.
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