One sentence BIG IDEA:
Obtain repeated exposure to customers using Pinterest's audience targeting tool.
Why is this relevant to marketers? One of the challenges of public relations is obtaining repeat exposure in front of target audiences. If someone is exposed to your product by reading an article in a publication, for instance, how do you also appear before them in other places, such as through ads, podcasts, and social media?
There is a Pinterest audience targeting tool that allows marketers to upload existing customer email lists and post targeted ads to their customers who have Pinterest accounts.
I audibly gasped when I heard about this tool because it has so much potential.
Let’s take a look at an example.
Let’s say you have an online retail business. You have built up an email list of prospective customers who have engaged with your company, but have not yet made a purchase.
You can upload that list of prospective customers to Pinterest and place targeted ads that will appear in front of prospective customers who also have Pinterest accounts.
Talk about targeted exposure!
The tool is also ideal for staying top of mind with existing customers. Upload a list of existing customers to Pinterest and place ads for your latest products or do special discounts for existing customers. The possibilities are endless.
Below are instructions from Pinterest on how to upload a list of contacts to Pinterest.
From Pinterest:
You can upload existing customers' emails or mobile ad IDs (MAIDs) through a single-column CSV file. Leave out any additional information you have, like names, phone numbers or physical addresses. Keep in mind that your final audience list will likely be smaller than the total number of emails or mobile ad IDs you originally uploaded as we match your customer list to people on Pinterest.
Create a new customer list audience
Log into your Pinterest business account
Click Ads at the top of the screen, then click Audiences
Click Create audience
Select A list of customers that you upload, then click Next
Enter a Name and Description for your audience
Click Choose file to upload your .CSV file
Click Create
Note: Once you’ve created your audience based on your customer list, the audience size will update within 24-48 hours on the Audiences page in Ads Manager. To delete a customer list audience, click the trashcan icon on the Audiences page.
Once your list has at least 100 matches, the status will turn green on the Audiences page in Ads Manager and you'll be able to use that audience for your ad. If your list has fewer than 100 matches, the status will be red on the Audiences page and you will not be able to use that audience. Try to add more emails or MAIDs to the existing list to increase the chance of getting additional matches. To do this, follow the edit steps below.
Challenge for Attendees:
Upload a customer list to Pinterest and see how many of your customers have Pinterest accounts. Start marketing to them on Pinterest today!
Sources: https://help.pinterest.com/en/business/article/audience-targeting
Relevant hashtags:
#publicrelations #SGMCtip #marketing #pinterestmarketing