Would you like to present a tip at a SowGrow Marketing
Council Meeting?
Guests and members who would like to present a four-minute educational, non-promotional tip at a SowGrow Marketing Council meeting are invited to submit their tip for consideration.
Featured Experts are NOT required to submit a tip in advance. Featured experts share first. If time allows, up to two members and two guests are chosen to share per meeting. If your tip is chosen, you will be notified via email. All other members and guests are invited to attend and enjoy the meeting. The best tips are featured on the SowGrow Marketing Council YouTube channel and podcast.
Attendees have four minutes to share.
What makes a great tip?
Be educational and not self-promotional. This is not a commercial about your company.
Share information that is new and not well known outside of your discipline.
Stick to one clear “big idea.”
Include sources to back up all research and statistics.
Stay within the four-minute time limit when sharing your tip.
Download the tip sheet below to organize your tip.